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DTN News – SPECIAL REPORT: Steven Seagal Joins Vladimir Putin For Photo-Op

DTN News – SPECIAL REPORT: Steven Seagal Joins Vladimir Putin For Photo-Op


Source: DTN News – – This article compiled by Roger Smith from reliable sources  Posted by Amy Argetsinger – Washington Post
(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada – March 14, 2013: Dennis Rodman is such an amateur. The NBA vet may have gotten a heap of media attention for catching a basketball game with Kim Jong-Eun, but it turns out Steven Seagal has been hanging out with foreign strongmen for years. 

The action star did his own bit of photo-op diplomacy in Moscow with Vladi­mir Putin, touring a martial-arts school where the Russian president called for a revival of Stalin-era school phys-ed programs, reports Reuters

Revelation: Putin, the world leader most frequently photographed in shirtless, macho poses, is actually quite tiny when standing next to Seagal. 

The longtime pals watched martial-arts demonstrations and then, in what appeared to be a comic shtick, Seagal rushed a crowd of kids posing with Putin and protectively pulled him out. (“Kids, remain calm, it’s a great honor to take pictures with the president,” an announcer said.)

*Link for This article compiled by Roger Smith from reliable sources Posted by Amy Argetsinger – Washington Post
*Speaking Image – Creation of DTN News ~ Defense Technology News 
*This article is being posted from Toronto, Canada By DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News Contact:dtnnews@ymail.com 

DTN News – OSAMA BIN LADEN NEWS: 17 Suspected of Helping Track bin Laden Get Their Jobs Back

DTN News – OSAMA BIN LADEN NEWS: 17 Suspected of Helping Track bin Laden Get Their Jobs Back


Source: DTN News – – This article compiled by Roger Smith from reliable sources By Shaan Khan, CNN
(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada – March 14, 2013: Seventeen Pakistani women suspected of helping the CIA track down Osama bin Laden in Pakistan were given their jobs back Thursday, their lawyer told CNN.

The women appeared in the city of Peshawar’s high court, where Justices Yayha Afridi and Seth Waqar Ahmed accepted their petition to have their jobs restored, Sajid Ali Awan, the women’s counsel, told CNN.

“The court has also directed the Department of Health to act lawfully and take lawful measures after accepting our petition, which is the simple restoration of the employees as their termination without a shown cause notice was against the law,” Awan said.

The women were fired from their jobs after allegations that they were involved in Dr. Shakeel Afridi’s fake vaccination campaign, which helped the CIA collect DNA samples from residents of bin Laden’s compound in the city of Abbottabad. The samples aimed to verify the al Qaeda leader’s presence there.

Awan said the secretary of health for Khyber Pukhtunkhwa province fired the health workers in February 2012. However, they pleaded not guilty, saying they were not aware of Dr. Afridi’s intentions and were simply following his orders.

Dr. Afridi is serving a 33-year sentence in a Peshawar jail, accused of having links to militant elements in Khyber Agency, though many believe he has been penalized for acting as a CIA front man in the fake vaccination campaign.

Bin Laden was killed in a U.S. raid on his Abbottabad compound in May of 2011.


*Link for This article compiled by Roger Smith from reliable sources By Shaan Khan, CNN
*Speaking Image – Creation of DTN News ~ Defense Technology News 
*This article is being posted from Toronto, Canada By DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News Contact:dtnnews@ymail.com 

DTN News – WHITE HOUSE NEWS: Barack Obama Invites First Black Miss Israel To Dinner

DTN News – WHITE HOUSE NEWS: Barack Obama Invites First Black Miss Israel To Dinner
*Yityish Aynaw, the first Ethiopian-born pageant winner, said the US president had been a ‘notable influence in her life’


Source: DTN News – – This article compiled by Roger Smith from reliable sources By Phoebe Greenwood, Tel Aviv  – guardian.co.uk
(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada – March 14, 2013:  It will be one of the hottest tickets in town. When the US president,Barack Obama, arrives in Israel on an official visit next week, one of the highlights for the country’s dignatries will be a dinner hosted at Israeli president Shimon Peres’s home. And among those set to dine with the two presidents is the first black Miss Israel, Yityish Aynaw.

When the president’s staff called to invite her to the dinnerAynaw, who was crowned just a few weeks ago, was understandably taken aback. “I didn’t believe this was happening,” she told the Jerusalem Post.
Aynaw arrived in Israel from Ethiopia when she was 12 years old. The beauty queen, who has worked as a sales assistant since leaving the army, has admitted that it was initially difficult for her to assimilate into Israeli society. Despite being 100,000 strong, the Ethiopian Jewish community is marginalised in Israel, where some rabbis have questioned the authenticity of their Jewish faith.
In the course of the Miss Israel competition, Aynaw told the panel of judges: “It’s important that a member of the Ethiopian community win the competition for the first time. There are many different communities of many different colours in Israel, and it’s important to show that to the world.”
On learning that she would be dining with the US president alongside the Israeli leadership, Aynaw admitted that as a young immigrant, she would not have believed “such a thing could happen” to her. Once the news sunk in, however, the 21 year-old former Israeli army officer declared herself “excited” and reasoned: “The first black Miss Israel to be chosen and [Obama] is the first black American President. These goes together.”
Obama, she said, has had a “notable influence in her life”.
Shortly after winning the title, Aynaw named assassinated US civil rights leader Martin Luther King as one of her heroes: “He fought for justice and equality, and that’s one of the reasons I’m here: I want to show that my community has many beautiful qualities that aren’t always represented in the media.”
While she may have embraced her life in Israel, Aynaw has refused to adopt a Hebrew name as many of African immigrants have done. “I was born sick but my mum believed I had a future,” she told Jewish publication The Tablet, explaining that her name in Amharic, the second most spoken Semitic language in the world after Arabic, means “looking towards the future”. “I’d never change my name,” she said. “Ever”.

With African roots and controversial names in common, Miss Israel and President Obama have ample mutual ground to break the ice. 

*Link for This article compiled by Roger Smith from reliable sources By Phoebe Greenwood, Tel Aviv  – guardian.co.uk
*Speaking Image – Creation of DTN News ~ Defense Technology News 
*This article is being posted from Toronto, Canada By DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News Contact:dtnnews@ymail.com 

DTN News – KOREAN PENINSULA NEWS: North Korea Threatens Pre-Emptive Nuclear Strike Against US

DTN News – KOREAN PENINSULA NEWS: North Korea Threatens Pre-Emptive Nuclear Strike Against US
*Threatening rhetoric comes before vote by UN on whether to level new sanctions against Pyongyang for its recent nuclear test

Source: DTN News – – This article compiled by Roger Smith from reliable sources Associated Press in Seoul – guardian.co.uk,
(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada – March 7, 2013: North Korea has vowed to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike against the United States, amplifying its threatening rhetoric hours before a vote by UN security council on whether to level new sanctions against Pyongyang for its recent nuclear test.

An unidentified spokesman for Pyongyang’s foreign ministry said the North will exercise its right for “pre-emptive nuclear strikes on the headquarters of the aggressors” because Washington is pushing to start a nuclear war against it.

Although North Korea boasts of nuclear bombs and pre-emptive strikes, it is not thought to have mastered the ability to produce a warhead small enough to put on a missile capable of reaching the US. It is believed to have enough nuclear fuel, however, for a handful of cruder devices.

Such inflammatory rhetoric is common from North Korea, but it has been coming regularly in recent days. The Pyongyang regime is angry over the possible sanctions and over upcoming US-South Korean military drills.

The UN security council is set to impose a fourth round of sanctions against North Korea in a fresh attempt to rein in its nuclear and ballistic missile programmes.

Russia’s UN ambassador, Vitaly Churkin, the current security council president, said the council will vote on the draft sanctions resolution on Thursday morning.

The resolution was drafted by the US and China, North Korea’s closest ally. The council’s agreement to put the resolution to a vote just 48 hours later signalled that it would almost certainly have the support of all 15 council members.

The statement by North Korea’s foreign ministry spokesman was carried by the country’s official Korean Central News Agency.

It accused the US of leading efforts to slap sanctions on North Korea. The statement said the new sanctions would only advance the timing for North Korea to fulfil previous vows of taking “powerful second and third countermeasures” against its enemies. Those measures haven’t been specifically elaborated on.

“We gravely warn that at a time when we cannot avoid a second Korean war, the UN security council, which served as the US puppet in 1950 and made Korean people harbour eternal grudges against it, must not commit the same crime again,” it said.

North Korea in the statement demanded the security council immediately dismantle the American-led UN command that is based in Seoul and move to end the state of war that exists on the Korean peninsula, which continues six decades after fighting stopped because an armistice, not a peace treaty, ended the war.


*Link for This article compiled by Roger Smith from reliable sources Associated Press in Seoul – guardian.co.uk,
*Speaking Image – Creation of DTN News ~ Defense Technology News 
*This article is being posted from Toronto, Canada By DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News Contact:dtnnews@ymail.com 

DTN News – Top Best Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft Projects

DTN News – Top Best Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft Projects

Source: DTN News – – This article compiled by Roger Smith 
(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada – March 1, 2013:  The classification of similar products – be it fighters, computer systems or naval frigates – in generations is a well established practice and is generally accepted as a quick shortcut to define the broad characteristics and time frames of a given product category. However, the inherent rigidities, inflexibilities and oversimplifications of such practices cannot be ignored, in the fighter aircraft sector, in particular.

As an example, the generation sequence and headings used by Lockheed Martin for fighters are generally shared by the defence community and can be summarised as follows:

A fifth-generation jet fighter is a fighter aircraft classification used in the United States and elsewhere encompassing the most advanced generation of fighter aircraft as of 2013. Fifth-generation aircraft are designed to incorporate numerous technological advances over the fourth generation jet fighter. The exact characteristics of fifth generation jet fighters are controversial and vague, with Lockheed Martin defining them as having all-aspect stealth even when armed, Low Probability of Intercept Radar (LPIR), high-performance air frames, advanced avionics features, and highly integrated computer systems capable of networking with other elements within the theatre of war for situational awareness. The only currently combat-ready fifth-generation fighter, the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor, entered service with the U.S. Air Force in 2005

10. Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) India

The Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA), formerly known as the Medium Combat Aircraft (MCA), is a single-seat, twin-engine fifth-generation stealth multirole fighter being developed by India.

9. KAI KF-X  South Korea

The Korea Aerospace Industries KF-X is a South Korean program to develop an advanced multirole fighter for the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF) and Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU), spearheaded by South Korea with Indonesia as the primary partner. It is South Korea’s second fighter development program following the FA-50.

8. Mitsubishi ATD-X Shinshin Japan

The Mitsubishi ATD-X Shinshin is a prototype fifth-generation jet fighter that uses advanced stealth technology. It is being developed by the Japanese Ministry of Defense Technical Research and Development Institute (TRDI) for research purposes. The main contractor of the project is Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. Many consider this aircraft to be Japan’s first domestically made stealth fighter. ATD-X is an acronym meaning “Advanced Technology Demonstrator – X”. The aircraft’s Japanese name is Shinshin. The aircraft’s first flight is scheduled for 2014.
7. Mikoyan LMFS Russia
This Aircraft is also going to be introduced in 2020, it is a single engine stealth fighter and is based on the canceled MiG 1.44. Russian Air Force is going to use this aircraft and the project success rate is estimated as 80%.
 6.  J-XX China
 This will be introduced in 2020 and will be used by Chinese Air Force. It is proposed to have a single engine stealth fighter and will be based on J-10B, JF-17 or may be on a totally new design.
5. Sukhoi/HAL FGFA Russia/India
The Sukhoi/HAL Fifth Generati on Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) is a fifth-generation fighter being developed by India and Russia. It is a derivative project from the PAK FA (T-50 is the prototype) being developed for the Indian Air Force. FGFA was the earlier designation for the Indian version, while the combined project is now called the Perspective Multi-Role Fighter (PMF).
The completed PMF will include a total of 43 improvements over the T-50, including stealth, supercruise, advanced sensors, networking and combat avionics.
Two separate prototypes will be developed, one by Russia and a separate one by India. According to HAL chairman A.K. Baweja (speaking shortly after the India-Russia Inter-Governmental Committee meeting on 18 September 2008), both the Russian and Indian versions of the aircraft will be single-seater. The first aircraft will begin testing in India in 2014, with introduction into service expected by 2022.

4. F-35 Lightening II (JSF)  U.S., U.K, Italy, Netherlands, Australia, Canada, Norway, Denmark,  Turkey, Israel, Singapore,  Japan

The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is a family of single-seat, single-engine, fifth generation multirole fighters under development to perform ground attack, reconnaissance, and air defense missions with stealth capability. The F-35 has three main models; the F-35A is a conventional takeoff and landing variant, the F-35B is a short take off and vertical-landing variant, and the F-35C is a carrier-based variant.

The F-35 is descended from the X-35, the product of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program. JSF development is being principally funded by the United States. The partner nations are either NATO members or close U.S. allies. It is being designed and built by an aerospace industry team led by Lockheed Martin. The F-35 carried out its first flight on 15 December 2006.

The United States plans to buy a total of 2,443 aircraft to provide the bulk of its tactical airpower for the U.S. Air Force, Marine Corps and Navy over the coming decades. The United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands, Australia, Canada, Norway, Denmark, and Turkey are part of the development program; Israel, Singapore and Japan may also equip their air services with the F-35.

3. Black Eagle J-20 China

The Chinese J-20 “Black Eagle” 5th generation fighter could be superior to the F-35 Lightning II, and even on a par with the F-22 Raptor with its range, radar-evading stealth capability, as well as with its firepower.

2. PAK-FA Russia

 The Sukhoi PAK FA is a twin-engine jet fighter being developed by Sukhoi for the Russian Air Force. The Sukhoi T-50 is the prototype for PAK FA. The PAK FA is one of only a handful of stealth jet programs globally.
The PAK FA, a fifth generation jet fighter, is intended to be the successor to the MiG-29 and Su-27 in the Russian inventory and serve as the basis of the Sukhoi/HAL FGFA being developed with India. The T-50 prototype performed its first flight 29 January 2010. By 31 August 2010, it had made 17 flights and by mid-November, 40 in total. The second T-50 was to start its flight test by the end of 2010, but this was delayed until March 2011.
The Russian Defence Ministry will purchase the first 10 evaluation example aircraft after 2012 and then 60 production standard aircraft after 2016. The first batch of fighters will be delivered with current technology engines. The PAK-FA is expected to have a service life of about 30–35 years.

1. F-22 Raptor USA

The Lockheed Martin/Boeing F-22 Raptor is a single-seat, twin-engine fifth-generation supermaneuverable fighter aircraft that uses stealth technology. It was designed primarily as an air superiority fighter, but has additional capabilities that include ground attack, electronic warfare, and signals intelligence roles. Lockheed Martin Aeronautics is the prime contractor and is responsible for the majority of the airframe, weapon systems and final assembly of the F-22. Program partner Boeing Defense, Space & Security provides the wings, aft fuselage, avionics integration, and training systems.

The aircraft was variously designated F-22 and F/A-22 during the years prior to formally entering USAF service in December 2005 as the F-22A. Despite a protracted and costly development period, the United States Air Force considers the F-22 a critical component of U.S. tactical air power, and claims that the aircraft is unmatched by any known or projected fighter. Lockheed Martin claims that the Raptor’s combination of stealth, speed, agility, precision and situational awareness, combined with air-to-air and air-to-ground combat capabilities, makes it the best overall fighter in the world today. Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston, former Chief of the Australian Defence Force, said in 2004 that the “F-22 will be the most outstanding fighter plane ever built.”

The high cost of the aircraft, a lack of clear air-to-air combat missions because of delays in the Russian and Chinese fifth-generation fighter programs, a U.S. ban on Raptor exports, and the ongoing development of the planned cheaper and more versatile F-35 resulted in calls to end F-22 production. In April 2009, the U.S. Department of Defense proposed to cease placing new orders, subject to Congressional approval, for a final procurement tally of 187 operational aircraft. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 lacked funding for further F-22 production. The final F-22 rolled off the assembly line on 13 December 2011 during a ceremony at Dobbins Air Reserve Base.

*Link for This article compiled by Roger Smith DTN News
*Speaking Image – Creation of DTN News ~ Defense Technology News 
*This article is being posted from Toronto, Canada By DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News Contact:dtnnews@ymail.com 

DTN News – ISRAEL DEFENSE NEWS: IDF Launches Surprise Live-Fire Drill In Golan

DTN News – ISRAEL DEFENSE NEWS: IDF Launches Surprise Live-Fire Drill In Golan 
*Exercise in Golan Heights aims to test army readiness and fitness in North and Central Commands, Artillery Corps


Source: DTN News – – This article compiled by Roger Smith from reliable sources By Yaakov Lappin – Jerusalem Post

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada – September 19, 2012: The IDF launched a surprise drill early Wednesday morning on the Golan Heights.

Units were scrambled to the North without warning following an order was given by IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz.

The exercise is aimed at testing the fitness and readiness of several IDF units, with the Artillery Corps taking up center stage.

The Air Force has joined units from the IDF’s Northern and Central Commands to take part in the drill. Other military forces are also taking part.

The exercise will end with a live fire exercise on Wednesday afternoon.

“This drill is part of a routine program of checks and surprise exercises held throughout the year by the IDF Comptroller. It is being held under the command of Brig.-Gen. Roee Riptin, who is the chief artillery officer,” the IDF Spokesman’s Unit said.

Sources in the IDF said the drill was planned ahead of time, and that it should not be seen as a sign of a change in the level of alert.

It comes on the heels of a major Golani Brigade infantry and Armored Corps drill, which was was jointly held in the Golan Heights over recent weeks.

Related News from Haaretz

*IDF Launches Surprise Live-Fire Drill In Golan Heights

The drill, to include Northern Command, Central Command, and Air Force troops, is meant to test the IDF’s readiness for an ‘emergency situation.

The Israel Defense Forces General Staff launched a comprehensive surprise drill on Wednesday, which will include the airlifting of forces to the Golan Heights and a live fire exercise, set to take place later in the evening.

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz notified the units involved in the drill overnight, as the drill is meant to test the level of preparation of various units, including the Northern Command, Central Command, Air Force, and others.

The units involved specialize in offensive firepower, and for this reason they were chosen to participate in the drill, meant to test their readiness for an emergency situation.

The drill itself is expected to end in the evening, and is being overseen by the IDF’s Chief Artillery Officer, Brig. Gen. Roei Riftin, and is part of IDF efforts to examine the quality of operations, led by the IDF comptroller.

The drill was planned ahead of time and does not suggest the IDF has raised its level of preparation. However, such a test of the IDF’s ability to move a large number of forces from the Central Command to the Golan Heights, by way of helicopters, and to hold a comprehensive live-fire drill, examines the IDF’s ability to launch a serious military operation or even go to war.

A similar surprise drill was held on Yom Kippur Eve last year, involving two IDF divisions, which focused on testing the level of preparation for reserve units for emergency call-ups. Last year’s drill involved the emergency call-up of two reserve combat companies from the Central Command. Then, an IDF official said that holding the drill right before Yom Kippur was “more than a coincidence.”

Last week, the IDF began work on reinforcing the fence on the Israel-Syria border in the Golan Heights. Plans drafted by the IDF Northern Command call for placing dozens of new information-gathering sensors along the fence, electrifying parts of it so that it will warn of intruders, and laying mines along parts of the border.

Over the years, severe weather in the Golan Heights has battered the fence to the point where in certain places, it barely exists.

The Northern Command’s main concern is the possibility that terrorists will try to launch a cross-border attack on IDF soldiers or on Israeli communities in the Golan. The army’s assumption is that the deteriorating situation in Syria is liable to lead to an increase in terrorist activity near the border. Army sources said the volume of attempts to penetrate the border has already increased.

*Link for This article compiled by Roger Smith from reliable sources By Yaakov Lappin – Jerusalem Post
*Speaking Image – Creation of DTN News ~ Defense Technology News 
*This article is being posted from Toronto, Canada By DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News Contact:dtnnews@ymail.com 

DTN News – AFGHAN WAR NEWS: Female Car Bomber Kills 12 In Kabul

DTN News – AFGHAN WAR NEWS: Female Car Bomber Kills 12 In Kabul
*Revenge for an anti-Islam film made in America
Source: DTN News – – This article compiled by Roger Smith from reliable sources by Sardar Ahmad Agence-France Presse
(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada – September 18, 2012: A female suicide car bomber attacked a van in Kabul Tuesday, killing 12 people, including eight South Africans, in an assault insurgents said was in revenge for an anti-Islam film made in America.

The bombing on a highway leading to Kabul international airport was the second suicide attack in the heavily fortified city in 10 days, reviving questions about stability as NATO accelerates a troop withdrawal and hands over to Afghan forces by the end of 2014.
It came as officers revealed that Western troops are scaling back joint operations with Afghans after 51 NATO soldiers were shot dead this year by their local colleagues, a setback for the war strategy that focuses on training Afghans to take over.
An AFP photographer saw at least six bodies lying among the wreckage of a gutted minivan, and another vehicle destroyed by flames still burning in the middle of the highway, with debris flung all around.
“At around 6:45 am (0215 GMT) a suicide bomber using a sedan blew himself up along the airport road in District 15. As a result, nine workers of a foreign company and three Afghan civilians are dead, and two police are wounded,” police said in a statement.
An Afghan and a Western security official said nine foreigners were killed. The South African foreign ministry said eight of its citizens were among the dead.
“The foreigners were from a private company working at the airport,” the Afghan official told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity.
A spokesman for NATO’s US-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said it had no reports that its personnel were among the casualties.
Afghanistan’s second largest insurgent group, Hezb-i-Islami, claimed responsibility, saying it was carried out by a woman to avenge the “Innocence of Muslims” film, which has sparked a weekof furious anti-US riots across Asia, North Africa and the Middle East.
“The bombing was carried out by a woman named Fatima. The bombing was in retaliation for the insult to our Prophet,” spokesman Zubair Sidiqi in a telephone call to AFP from an undisclosed location.
It is extremely rare for the faction to claim a suicide attack in Afghanistan. It is also rare for women, few of whom drive in Afghanistan, to carry out suicide attacks.
A police investigator said he believed the bomber was female, after finding parts of a woman’s leg.
On Monday, protests turned violent for the first time in Afghanistan over the low-budget trailer for the film, which is believed to have been produced by extremist Christians, as hundreds hurled stones at a US military base and clashed with police.
In the northern city of Kunduz, several hundred university students threw stones at police and set fire to photographs of US President Barack Obama in a fresh protest on Tuesday.
Under new orders, most joint patrols and advisory work with Afghan troops — the cornerstone of NATO departure plans — will have to be approved by a regional commander.
Cooperation with smaller units will have to be “evaluated on a case-by-case basis and approved by RC (regional) commanders”, ISAF said in a statement.
NATO, which is helping the Afghan government fight a Taliban-led insurgency now in its 11th year, is gradually withdrawing its 112,600 remaining troops.
But as so-called insider attacks have grown, US commanders have gradually acknowledged the assaults pose a serious threat to the war effort and have struggled to stem the problem.
The commander of US and NATO troops in Afghanistan, General John Allen, “has directed all operational commanders to review force protection and tactical activities in the light of the current circumstances”, a US military officer in Washington said in an email.
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, speaking at a news conference in Beijing, said the attacks were worrisome but that he believed Allen had taken the right approach to counter the problem.
But he insisted the insider assaults would not delay or derail plans to complete a drawdown of troops by the end of 2014 as planned.
The decision came after six ISAF soldiers were shot dead by suspected Afghan police and after the Taliban destroyed six US fighter jets in an unprecedented assault on a major base in the south this weekend.
It was unclear how the new rules for joint patrols might affect the plan to pull out the bulk of NATO combat forces, as some Afghan units are considered ill-prepared to begin operating independently.
Afghanistan police and officials investigate the site of a suicide attack in Kabul on September 18, 2012. A suicide bomber blew himself up alongside a minivan carrying foreigners on a major highway leading to the international airport in the Afghan capital, police said, killing at least 12 people, including nine foreigners.
Map locating Kabul where at least 12 people were killed in a suicide attack on Tuesday
Supporters of Lebanon’s Hezbollah group hold signs during a rally in Beirut to denounce a film mocking Islam on September 17, 2012. An eruption of Muslim anger over a trailer of the American-made film that appeared on the Internet has spread across the world, taking hold in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Indonesia, the West Bank, the Philippines and Yemen.
A Pakistani activist from Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba, a student wing of the hard line Sunni party Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), throws a tear gas shell towards the police near the US consulate during a protest against an anti-Islam movie in Karachi.
Lebanon’s Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah addresses thousands of supporters who took to the streets of southern Beirut to denounce a film mocking Islam on September 17, 2012. Nasrallah, who made a rare public appearance, has called for a week of protests across the country over the low-budget, US-made film, describing it as the “worst attack ever on Islam.”

*Link for This article compiled by Roger Smith from reliable sources by Sardar Ahmad Agence-France Presse
*Speaking Image – Creation of DTN News ~ Defense Technology News
*This article is being posted from Toronto, Canada By DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News Contact:dtnnews@ymail.com